CC Youth Praise Band

Explore expectations, time commitments, requirements, and more for the CC Youth Praise Band.

CC Youth Praise Band

Our youth praise band rehearses Wednesdays at 5pm in the East Auditorium and is led by Chris Mandel, a bassist for the Christ Church praise band. They lead worship during Sunday night Impact Youth Group at 6pm.

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What to Expect (Tentative)

  • Rehearsals - We will rehearse Wednesdays at 5pm during the school year.
  • Practice - Rehearsals are not the same thing as practice! Reserve enough time at home to be well-prepared for rehearsal and leading each week.
  • Worship Leading - We will lead worship during Sunday night Impact, about 2.5 hours per month during the school year.
  • Standard Prep - 3-4 songs will be prepared for Sunday Night Impact, 1-2 times per month.
  • Worship Night Prep - 7-10 songs and creative praise opportunities will be prepared once per quarter.
  • Additional Opportunities - Potentially, CC Youth could assist Called By Name worship bands with Sunday morning or holiday worship.
  • Student Leaders - Every year, we will be looking for one or two student leaders who feel they are up to the task of assisting the adult leader/mentor with management and leadership of the CC Youth Worship Band.


  • Practice instrument - You must have an instrument at home or school for practice and preparation for rehearsals. Church or mentor-provided instruments may be available for the purposes of at-church rehearsal and performance.
  • Computer or tablet with internet - This is needed for communication and to receive music and rehearsal recordings. If this is a challenge for you, please let us know and we will try to find another solution.
  • Facebook profile - Most communication will be done through a Closed Facebook Group. Students may also sign up for text notifications if they wish.

Breaks, Availability, and Cancellations

  • Summer is a separate voluntary period, determined by the students and instrumentation available. This may be completely student-led with limited worship-leading opportunities.
  • The CC Youth Band will break for the month of January and for a three-week period built around area spring breaks.
  • If there are not enough musicians to lead worship on a given week, participation for that date may be cancelled with advance notice.
  • Students who become unavailable after committing to a rehearsal and/or service must notify a leader/mentor and any student band leaders at least three days ahead of their commitment in order to find subs or make other arrangements.
  • Students are committing to participation for the school year, insofar as what their school, church, and family commitments will allow. Students must be available for a minimum of two rehearsals and one Impact meeting per month, depending on band size (great subs and participation allows for greater flexibility).

Fun and What-Not

  • When available, Called By Name band members may help out with mentoring the CC Youth Worship Band by participating as guest speakers, guest musicians for rehearsals and/or services, and one-on-one mentoring sessions during rehearsals.
  • Special group fun days or band excursions may be planned based on student interest and availability.
  • Every year towards the end of school term, the entire band will collaborate on a musical project to celebrate and document their time together, as well as their progress as musicians and worship leaders. This project will be determined by the group with the adult leader’s assistance, but may include: recording cover or original songs, live-recording of a worship set with video and audio, live-streaming a performance at a local venue.
  • Over the summer, students who want to continue their education as musicians and leaders for the kingdom may elect to attend Camp Electric or a similar experience. This will likely require some monetary sponsorship from their parents, relatives, and congregation, as well as a minimum number of student attendees and chaperones. Ask Micah Eberman more about this as he has taken students to Camp Electric in the past.

Getting Called Up to the Big Leagues

  • Juniors and seniors in high school who have shown an appropriate level of musical skill, maturity, and commitment may audition to be considered for a substitute role with Called By Name.
  • All requests for audition must be approved by an adult leader/mentor who works closely with musicians, determining who may or may not be ready. The opportunity of playing with Called By Name may also be discussed with a parent/guardian to ensure that additional commitments will not have an adverse impact on school and home life.
  • Commitment to playing with the CC Youth Worship Band comes before sitting in with Called By Name. Please work with leaders/mentors to ensure that there is not a conflict with your schedule.