Care & Prayer

Resources for those needing prayer or care for themselves or others.

Prayer & Care

Prayer Partners

Come to the Chapel on Sunday mornings and receive prayer support from caring couples and individuals devoted to supporting you in prayer.

Prayer Wall

Share your prayer requests or pray for and encourage those requesting prayer.

Visit the Prayer Wall

Prayer Warriors

Small, dedicated team dedicated to gather and pray over Christ Church and its members' requests.

Care Ministers

Trained and equipped lay ministers dedicated to the coming alongside you. Care provided includes homebound visits, hospital visits, emotional and spiritual support, phone prayer, grief support, and communion delivery.

1-on-1 Mentors

Caring mentors who have experienced healing in their own lives provide 1-on-1 support for people recovering from any situation where they would like to find healing. Mentor and mentee pairings will be same-gendered.

Meal Assistance

When you are going through a difficult time and could use some help with meals.

For Urgent Spiritual Care

In crisis? If you or someone you care about is experiencing a crisis and in need of immediate help or in danger, please call 911.

Otherwise, contact Christ Church Care Ministry at 262-243-3093 Option 3, email, or request care or prayer below.

“God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others.” (2 Corinthians 1:3b-4a).