Care & Prayer Teams

Care Ministers | Prayer Partners | Meal Ministers | Prayer Warriors | Mentors | Home Prayer Team

Care & Prayer Teams

Christ Church is blessed with a talented team of caring, supportive, and encouraging individuals who serve our church family in a variety of ways through care and prayer. If you're interested in supporting our church family in a compassionate way, we'd love to train you and get you tied into our Care & Prayer ministries.

Prayer Teams

Prayer Partners

A team of caring couples and individuals are devoted to supporting our church family through in-person prayer in the Chapel on Sunday mornings.

Prayer Warriors

This is a group that gathers in-person once a month to pray over Christ Church and our prayer requests.

Home Prayer Team

Commit to praying over Christ Church and the many prayer requests we receive. Simply bookmark or visit our Online Prayer Wall and Daily Prayer Topics on a regular basis and use them to guide your personal prayer time.

Care Teams

Care Ministers

Get trained and equipped to be a lay minister, dedicated to coming alongside people when they need support. Care provided includes homebound visits, hospital visits, emotional and spiritual support, phone prayer, grief support, and communion delivery.

Meal Ministers

Receive emails for an opportunity to provide a meal for someone who is going through tough times like a surgery, serious illness, or a death in the family. How often you sign up is completely up to you!

1-on-1 Mentors

Join a team of caring mentors who have experienced healing in their own lives and provide 1-on-1 support for people recovering from any situation where they would like to find healing. Mentor and mentee pairings will be same-gendered.