Praying for Yourself and Others

Unleash the power of prayer in your life.

Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. EPHESIANS 6:18

Sometimes we can think of prayer like a cosmic vending machine or a genie in a bottle. We ask God for what we want and then, Poof!, we expect it to happen. 

While God wants us to bring our requests to him, he wants so much more. He wants us to bring all of our lives to him… our joy and celebration but also our worries and pain.

God wants to us to share everything with him so that he can help bear the burden of whatever it is that we’re carrying (Matt. 11:28-30). As Jesus does this for us, he then calls us to do the same for others… to listen, to comfort, to help, to pray (Luke 10:30-37, 2 Cor. 1:3B-4A).

Prayer also moves God into action (Matt. 18:19-20). Not because we need to twist a reluctant God’s arm into helping us, but because God is ready and waiting for us to boldly come before him and ask (Matt. 7:7). "When we come before God on behalf of others, we acknowledge our inability and God’s ability.” (Max Lucado, Before Amen: The Power of a Simple Prayer (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2014), 73-75.)

Prayer Practice: Rings of Prayer

Practice casting your prayer net wider and expand your prayers to include a greater sphere of influence. Begin regularly praying for the following, and see where God takes your prayers!

GOD STORIES: Praying for Others

When I was first diagnosed with cancer, I wanted nothing to do with chemo, but after two months of wellness stuff, the prayers from my family were answered. I agreed to do conventional treatment along with some of the wellness/naturopathic stuff. Now, almost four years since my diagnosis of Stage 4 metastatic gastric cancer, and I'm doing well. I've done one year of chemo, one-and-a-half years of immunotherapy, and am on chemo pills now. Praise God! He hears my cry! Thank you Christ Church and Prayer Warriors for continuing to keep me in your prayers! 

— Evelyn Nowak, Christ Church Community Member