Mexico Missions

Learn about our missions in Baja's San Quintin Valley and get involved through travel or donations.

Mexico Missions

Relationally-Driven for Big Impact

Christ Church sends regular mission trips to San Quintin Valley in Mexico's Baja Peninsula and does a tremendous amount of outreach in the neighborhoods that surround the Foundation For His Ministry orphanage, daycare, and school. 

Each summer we send an educational mission team that provides an impactful VBS-style experience, sharing the love of Jesus with neighborhood kids. We love having teachers along for this one. By the wonderful grace and radical generosity of the Christ Church community, we also provide many of these people with food bags filled with staples that give them much-needed nourishment. 

Every fall, we take medical and dental teams to the neighborhoods and treat people who have never been to a dentist or have no money or resources to see a physician. Again, we also provide many food bags filled with staples that give them much-needed nourishment. 

Fernando's Story: A Life Saved

How Can You Help?

You're invited to help by going on a mission trip or by donating finances towards trip supplies.

A limited amount of physical donations can also be beneficial, but it is expensive to take them on the plane and then transport them down to the area. Financial donations are best as the team goes shopping once they arrive.


We have the following dates confirmed for 2023 and will be staying at the FFHM Orphanage Guest House:

  • June 18-24 (Educational trip - limit 6)
  • Oct 7-15 (Medical/dental trip - limit 12)

Click below to learn more, sign up, and provide downpayment.

Our Partners in Mexico

Foundation For His Ministry (FFHM)

Mission: Making disciples of Jesus Christ by rescuing children, reaching the lost, and restoring the broken.

How we help: Christ Church provides financial support and donates time to help out wherever the need is greatest. During the Fall Mission Trip, we host an annual cookout for about 200 people to thank all of the permanent missionaries, employees, and teachers for their incredible devotion to area residents. We typically stay in the FFHM Guest House while there.

Eternal Anchor

Mission: To respond to the unmet opportunity of serving individuals and families impacted by disability in the communities of rural Baja California, Mexico, a region with almost no government or private resources invested in those with special needs. 

How we help: Christ Church devotes a lot of time to them, especially on the summer trip. This is a daily/live-in school in Zapata - just a short distance from FFHM. As children/young adults in Mexico cannot go to the public schools if they have any sort of a disability, this school provides for them. And the young man who runs it is amazing. We devote time and financial assistance - when we can - to them as well. In the fall we see any of the residents/students that Austin needs us to with our medial/dental team. And the summer trip, usually my granddaughter (Katy) spends time there alone as she is a special ed teacher and contributes a great deal to them. They are definitely one of the primary areas we devote supplies, time and financial aid to - when we can.

Mujeres Nuevo Comienzo (Dorothy's Place)

Mission: To provide a safe home for abused, abandoned, and shattered women and their children with a desire to see them experience healing through a personal encounter with God.

How we help: Christ Church has been supporting Dorothy's ministry since 2014 years with supplies, medical and dental services, and financial aid. Our summer and fall teams both spend at least one day here.  


An ordained pastor and nurse, Angelina knows just about everyone in the valley and we could not do the work we do without her. She sets up our medical and dental clinics in the fall and takes us to areas where we can best serve young people with VBS-style classes in the summer.